Bringing forth health progress and change

Our occupational therapists help our patients practice their balance, safety, planning skills, functional reach, and processing skills while performing their day-to-day activities. We will:

  • gather comprehensive information about a patient’s daily habitual activities
  • conduct an individualized assessment to determine patient-driven goals
  • design a customized intervention plan to improve performance of daily activities and engage in other activities
  • educate family members and caregivers
  • periodically assess the intervention outcomes to ensure that goals are consistently met and if not, the intervention plan will be adjusted accordingly

The main goals of our occupational therapy are to improve efficiency, maximize positive outcomes for our patients, cut back the risk of injury or further health decline, and:

  • manage fatigue to conserve energy and reduce stress
  • teach relaxation techniques to improve sleeping habits
  • manage chronic pain
  • relearn forgotten skills


Contact us for your healthcare needs and queries.